Histopathological Techniques   _INDEX

        I.            Introduction- click here

a.       The Cell
b.      Metabolism of the Cell
c.       Cell Division


      II.            General Outline of Procedures in the Examination of Tissues - click here

a.       Reception
b.      Fresh specimen
c.       Fixed Tissues
d.      Paraffin Sections
e.      Cutting and Staining
f.        Report and Filing 

    III.            Fixation and Decalcification - click here

a.       Fixation
b.      Simple Fixatives
c.       Compound Fixatives
d.      Micro Anatomical Fixatives
e.      Fixation of Smears
f.        Fixation of Gross Specimens
g.       Secondary Fixation
h.      Decalcification 

    IV.            Processing - click here

a.       Dehydration
b.      Clearing
c.       Impregation and Embedding
d.      Embedding
e.      Gelatin Embedding
f.        Plastic Embedding
g.       Trimming of Blocks 

      V.            Section Cutting - click here

a.       Microtomy
b.      Microtomes
c.       Microtome Knives
d.      Terms used in Microtomy
e.      Sharpening of Microtome Knives
f.        Stropping
g.       Routine Paraffin Section Cutting
h.      Floating Out Bath
i.         Difficulties Encountered in Paraffin Section Cutting
j.        Frozen Sections
k.       Fixing Tissue for Cryostat Examination

    VI.            Theory of Staining - click here

a.       Impregnation
b.      Chemistry of Color in Dyestuffs
c.       Classification of Dyes 
d.      Natural Dyes 
e.      Synthetic Dyes
f.        Basic, Acid and Neutral Dyes
g.       Storage and Maintenance of Dyes
h.      Staining Properties of Dyes
i.         Staining Equipments and Materials
j.        Methodology of Staining
k.       Staining in General
l.         Mounting Stained Sections
m.    Permanent Mounting Media 

  VII.            Haematoxylin Staining Solutions and Methods - click here

a.       Preparation of Haematoxylin Stain
b.      Solutions

These are the steps you will have to follow for apply histopathological technique

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