Staining solutions
1. A. 1 %
potassium ferricyanide
B. 0.2 N HCI
Mix equal volumes of A and B just before use.
2. 0.1 %
aqueous safranin or eosin.
Specimen: Capillary blood or venous blood anticoagulated with EDTA.
(i) Prepare
a thin blood smear.
(ii) Fix it
in methanol for 10 minutes.
(iii). Dry
the smear and keep it in the ferricyanide-HCI mixture for 10 minutes.
(iv) Wash
the smear in running tap water for 10 minutes and counterstain with aqueous safranin
or eosin for 10-15 seconds.
(v) Wash and
(vi) Examine
under oil-immmersion objective.
Interpretation The Pappenheimer bodies stain deep blue-black. They are less than 2 microns in diameter, unevenly distributed in the red cell (Fig. 4.4).
They are
rarely seen in a normal blood specimen. They are found in disorders associated
with impaired haemoglobin synthesis (e.g. thalassaemia), in lead poisoning, in
some haemolytic conditions, or after splenectomy.
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