Several test strips for detect ketostix

Several test strips are commercially available. The commonest ones include:

Ketostix (Ames)---  This test strip will detect 0.5-1.0 mmol/L (5-10 mg/dl) of acetoacetic acid.

1. Dip test end of the reagent strip in fresh urine and remove immediately.
2. Touch tip of strip on the container to remove excess fluid.
3. Compare colour of test with a colour chart15 seconds later.

Scale -The colour chart represents negative, trace (5 mg/dl), small (15 mg/dl), moderate (40 mg/dl) and large (80-160 mg/dl)

Ketone Test (Boehringer)- This is similar to the ketostix and has similar sensitivity.The results   are also read in the same way as the ketostix.

Chemstrip test -The chemstrip test contains glycine and so detects acetone as well as acetoacetic acid, The test is performed in the same way as the ketostix. The results are read and graded from the colour chart. It detects up to 9 mg/dl acetoacetic acid and 70 mg/dl acetone.

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